Current Studies

Adapting an Immunization Assessment Tool to increase adult immunization coverage in Canadian jurisdictions: An implementation case study

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Participants needed: Adults in NS, PEI, or ON

What is the purpose of this study?

The purpose of this study is to learn about the experiences, skills, resources, knowledge, practices, and adaptations of health and research leaders involved in adult immunization efforts and/or the use of Immunization Assessment Tools, as well as the perspectives of adult community members for whom provincial vaccine recommendations have been made in Prince Edwards Island, Nova Scotia, and Ontario. This study also seeks to learn what barriers exist in promoting immunization and assessing patients for suggested immunizations.


About Adult Immunization and the Immunization Assessment Tool

Adult immunization offers many health benefits and improved quality of life; however, vaccine uptake in Canada often fails to meet national vaccination goals.

The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) suggests a number of vaccines for youth, adults, and seniors, which are made with the lifestyles and needs of individuals in mind. These recommendations include both single dose and annually administered vaccines for adults, such as the yearly influenza (high-dose for seniors 65 years of age and older) vaccine and the single lifetime booster dose of the tetanus-diphtheria acellular pertussis vaccine for all adults (Public Health Agency of Canada 2023a).

Further, demographic specific recommendations exist, including the herpes zoster vaccine for those over 50 years of age, pneumococcal vaccines  for individuals who have underlying health conditions or live in long-term care facilities, the meningococcal B vaccine for high-risk adults, hepatitis A vaccines for individuals travelling to high-risk areas, and additional vaccines for individuals who are pregnant (Public Health Agency of Canada 2023a; 2023b; 2021.)

Although NACI makes suggestions, it is up to Canadian provinces and territories to decide how to fund and put vaccine programs in place. While many adult vaccines have been proven to be effective and safe, there are still many barriers to improving rates of vaccination.

Barriers to meeting vaccination uptake goals include a need for more knowledge among individuals regarding the benefits of vaccination or what vaccines they require, and inconsistent recommendations by healthcare providers (HCPs). Immunization assessment tools (IATs) address these barriers by enabling individuals and HCPs to determine what vaccines are required.


Who can participate?

You can participate in the study if:

  • You are a healthcare provider that delivers vaccination in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, or Ontario; or
  • An adult (18 years of age or over) community member for whom provincial vaccine recommendations are made, living in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, or Ontario.


What will I be expected to do?

You will be asked to participate in an interview that will last 30 to 60-minutes. The interview will be completed by either telephone or a web-based platform (e.g., Zoom), at a date and time that is convenient for you.

You will be offered reimbursement for your time in the amount of a $50 e-gift card, participation and to pay for any internet or phone costs.


Contact Information

For more information or if you are interested in participating in an interview, please contact Jessica Mannette by email at or at 902-470-8141. Your participation is voluntary and greatly appreciated.

Contact Jessica Mannette

Phone 902-470-8141


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