Current Studies
Focus Group on Improving Vaccine Communication
Participants needed: Adults living in Canada
Furthering our Understanding and Response to Vaccine Hesitancy: A Multi-Phased Mixed Methods Study
Please Note: The buttons above to learn more or live chat are not currently functioning. For more information on this study, please contact the study team via the information listed at the bottom of this page.
Study Purpose
This research study aims to further understand and prevent information and communication challenges from influencing vaccine acceptance in the future. The study team will work together with the public and other stakeholders to develop digital messages that help people understand vaccines better and encourage future novel and routine vaccine uptake.
This study is being conducted by Dr. Jeanna Parsons Leigh, PhD in the School of Health Administration at Dalhousie University, and a diverse team of multi-provincial investigators.
Am I Eligible?
To participate, you must be 18 years of age or older and living in Canada.
Participants will be purposively sampled to ensure fair representation of geographic location, gender, sex, age, and diversity in ethnicity, education, income, and vaccination histories.
What Does Participation Involve?
- Participate in a 75 minute virtual (online) focus group discussion to develop digital messages that help people understand vaccines better.
- Focus group participants will be asked to complete a demographic questionnaire prior to their scheduled focus group date and time. The demographic questionnaire will be completed via Qualtrics (online) and should take about 5 to 10 minutes.
- To compensate for their time, participants in this study will receive a $25 gift card.
Additional Information
REB # 2023-6925 (Dalhousie University)
SPONSOR: Dalhousie University
FUNDER: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Dr. Jeanna Parsons Leigh, Dalhousie University
CONTACT: Jade Macdonald, (902) 470-8141, [email protected]
Contact Jade MacDonald - see info in description above